Origins Plus while only being $10 USD as DLC doesn’t feel like it adds much on top of the base game, with just one new playable character, who’s not that different from Sonic, and a bunch of smaller titles haven’t aged that well and aren’t that well emulated. The original collection was criticized for its $40 price tag, seen as too expensive for four old Genesis titles alongside a table of different DLC and pre-order versions. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for the price. The gameplay was each game was fast and fluid as you’d expect of Sonic The Hedgehog games. After playing Origins Plus, I didn’t have any recognizable glitches. Improvements to The Original Image Source: SegaĪs previously mentioned one of the larger issues with the original Sonic Origins is that there were notable glitches across the game which were eventually patched out with later updates. The classic Sega voice single sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

The emulation is also questionable and the audio quality is incredibly poor, sounding very tinny. They’re not completely unplayable but after a few hours of trying out different Game Gear titles, I kinda just wanted to go back to the Genesis games. It doesn’t help that many critics have pointed out that a few of these games like Sonic Chaos were also available on the Sega Master System and that those versions tended to be better due to the lack of screen crunch making it hard to see what’s in front of you. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine since it’s a puzzle game that plays a bit smoother since the pace is slower. If I’m being honest, my favorite of these was probably Dr. Sorry if I’m stepping on someone’s childhood but none of them have aged very well with very, it’s clear that the Game Gear lacked the blast processing to make Sonic as fast as usual so a lot of the platformers like Sonic Blast and Sonic Triple Trouble make him feel very stiff and strangely slow, not to mention with very odd looking sprites. It sounds like a lot but if I being honest I don’t think the Game Gear is that good in general. The other new feature of the game is that you now have access to twelve Game Gear Sonic titles which include the following:

Overall, if you’re a fan of Amy she’s done pretty well here. They’re brand new but feel at home alongside the original Genesis sprites of the other three while still maintaining a lot of her bubbly personality. Follow us on Twitter Follow and Tweet us Tweet to also really like her sprites.